It is more important than ever to ensure that your organization’s security policies and procedures are more than adequate to manage the unprecedented challenges that our society faces today. Regardless of company size or nature of the industry, the highly experienced team at P4 Security Solutions can expertly assess the effectiveness of your security policies and procedures.
- Crisis response
- Staff duties and responsibilities
- Access controls
- Crisis Communication protocols
- Emergency exits
- Evacuation routes
- Safe zones

There is no doubt that the security needs of every business has radically changed in the past decade. The alarming increase in civil unrest, workplace violence incidents and threats to cybersecurity have made businesses much more vulnerable to harm.
- Security Cameras
- Lights
- Communication Systems
- Locks
- Alarms
- Servers
- Routers
- Firewalls

The security risks that now exist in today’s society are unprecedented. Never before has the threat of potential harm to people and property been more prevalent than it is currently. Businesses of all sizes and industries have a strong moral and financial obligation to do everything possible to keep their employees safe and their properties secure.
- Access control systems
- Physical layout evaluations
- Potential threat recognition
- Visitor correspondence

Policy Development
The world of law enforcement has changed so drastically in recent years that departmental polices written as recently as five years ago could be considered out of date and a potential liability. In addition, some agency policy manuals are poorly written and in some cases, contradict themselves from one section to another.

Clients depend on P4 for comprehensive information that requires some sophisticated investigation strategies. Our background checks give our clients the information that they need to know to help them make the right decisions.
- Criminal Background Check
- Pre-employment Background Check
- Tennant Background Check
- Education background check
- Company background check
- Financial background check